Friday, August 2, 2013

The New Gal

After months of reading tons of blogs and falling in love with the endless opportunities of discussions, I've finally decided to give it a go. I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you all, and I hope that I can inspire many of you with my blog. So please follow me along this journey. 
About Me 
I'm Mar, an Upstate New York girl who has a passion for ...
Fashion:    shopping and looking my best for less ($$) Thrift shopping is my favorite ! 
 Fitness: My motto: You are what you eat, and what you eat affects how you feel.  
Family: My biggest support system and motivation
 Christ: Without him I'd be nothing.   
Creating: I love being able to bring my visions to life, and having others ♥ my items just as much I do. 

My Inspiration 
Last year I gave birth to this beautiful, wild, and crazy child  Little did I know, my life would never be the same after having her. From the moment I held her in my arms, I experienced something that no one could take away from me, the real feeling of L O V E ! You know that indescribable,  heart warming, unbelievable, hard to process kind of love? Who knew someone so small could fill a heart so big ? My daughter is my everything and she's the reason why I decided to start my business. When my 6 weeks of maternity leave were up, I thought I could handle being away from my daughter but I had a bad case of separation anxiety. 6 weeks just wasn't enough time for me to gear up to be a mother. I decided to follow my heart so that I could watch my daughter grow. Besides, answering phone calls and being yelled at for faulty alarm systems just wasn't my ideal job . Being unemployed wasn't easy and I felt extremely guilty for putting so much pressure on my boyfriend, so I started thinking of a plan. I've always been a creative person and I've always had dreams of becoming a designer of some sort so I put my talents to use. 

I'm now the creator of Novalie on, thanks to my daughter. So I've now made it my mission to become nothing but the best that I can be in life, so that I can be a positive role model to her, and an inspiration to every other young person in this world that regardless of where your from, you can be anything you want to be. 


  1. Your first blog post is just lovely. Keep writing, keep loving, keep living.

  2. What a great start for a long and exciting journey!
    Congrats on your new blog!

  3. You look gorgeous and your little girl is so cute!! :)
