Thursday, August 8, 2013

Confessions of a Mixed Girl pt 2

"Love Knows No Color "

I've never been one to single out any race, because race has never mattered to me but I've always been one whose been singled out because of race. For those who may have not read my last entry, I am mixed with African American and Caucasian. My father is black and my mother is white. Yes I know the correct term isn't black and white but it's just what I'm used to. In my opinion I believe that being mixed is one of the biggest struggles out here and I'm sure every multiracial person battles this. 

For me, I grew up listening to tons of of racist jokes, being called nicknames that coincide with being black, being called a nigger all the time by a cousin, and being singled out because my skin was colored. I've listened to a family member talk about black people and then hurry up and stop because they remember they have a black family member within their presence. I still have family members until this very day that don't like black people and have it instilled in their mind that only blacks are on assistance and collecting money from the government.

 To white people I was so black" and to black people I was so white ! To one side if I did something or talked a certain way I was considered ghetto, and if something happened on the other it was "oh that's that white people crap ". Can you imagine growing up wishing you were white, just so one part of your family could accept you ? That was me, but I've learned to embrace my race ! So with that being said nothing gets under my skin more than people mixed with black who talk down on their own race just to "fit in". It's one thing to joke from time to time, but to belittle your race , instead of embracing it is sad on your part. My sister was one of those same people who lived in the country, and cracked jokes about her race, let people call her all these black nick names, and she talked so preppy just to "fit in" ! She didn't see the wrong in any of it, until she really stopped and thought about it. Just like every white person is not trailer trash,  not every black person steals, drinks kool-aid, collects welfare and is a bad person ! 

So please embrace your race and remember
 "Be yourself, Be Unique, & Be Beautiful" 


  1. Nicely written!!!
    I am "white" European and I completely agree with you. The worst thing is that even people who think exactly like you sometimes get infected by the opinions of others. After all, society shapes us and if the society is racist and we grow up with that, something stays in us no matter what an opinion of our own we might have. But I believe that it will slowly get better!!
    And I believe that all this terrible struggle has made you a much stronger person - so now you are well equipped to overcome all your life struggles ;-)
    Good luck!!!!

  2. great blog marajah. ☺
